The California Gold Rush

Technological Impacts

          The California Gold Rush affected many things.  One of which includes technology.  As people from all over the world rushed to California in search of precious metal, new techniques were developed to make mining a tad easier.  Eventually, inventions would be made.
          The miners of the California Gold Rush started off with a simple pan to sort nuggets and flakes of gold from dirt, sand, and water.  Soon, more complex tools would be developed.  These included the rocker and then the sluice, two improvements of the pan.
          Miners wanted more results of gold, so they began to smash rocks apart with heavier duty equipment.  It started off with a simple pair of a hammer and a chisle, but it wasn't long before miners began to decide it wasn't enough.  Stamping mills were used to smash large boulders and rocks.  Steam power was later developed and used to increase the speed of these mills. 
          Shortly after, hydraulic mining was developed.  Miners would use a fast-spraying water hose to spray against mountainsides and rock.  This water would wear down the rock and expose any gold that was there.
          Mining technology would develop and improve extremely fast during the California Gold Rush period.